Lawrence Stone
Lawrence Stone
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Lawrence D. Stone is Chief Scientist at Metron Inc., Reston VA, USA. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS). He is a recipient of the Jacinto Steinhardt Award from the Military Applications Section of INFORMS in recognition of his applications of Operations Research to military problems. In 1975, the Operations Research Society of America awarded the Lanchester Prize to his text, Theory of Optimal Search. In 1986, he produced the probability maps used to locate the S.S. Central America, which sank in 1857, taking millions of dollars’ worth of gold coins and bars to the ocean bottom one and one-half miles below. In 2010, he led the team that produced the probability distribution that guided the French to the location of the underwater wreckage of Air France Flight AF447. Recently, he used search theory methods to help guide the Canadian exploration company, Aurania, to the location of one of the lost Spanish gold cities in Ecuador. He coauthored the 2016 book Optimal Search for Moving Targets. He was one of the primary developers of the Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System, which has been used by the Coast Guard since 2007 to plan searches for people missing at sea. He continues to work on a number of detection and tracking systems for the United States Navy. He is a coauthor of the 2014 book, Bayesian Multiple Target Tracking 2nd Ed.