OPTION 1 - Standard Submission

In partnership with the annual International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), the ISIF Journal of Advances in Information Fusion (JAIF) offers the authors the possibility to present the JAIF-accepted manuscript at the next FUSION conference. 

OPTION 2 - Special Submission

Alternatively, the JAIF-FUSION collaboration also offers a dedicated review track for papers submitted to JAIF prior to Jan. 15. To take advantage of this special revision process, the length of the manuscript should follow the same rule of FUSION (length between 5 and 8 pages).
Specifically, if the manuscript is accepted then the authors have the possibility to present it at the FUSION conference. In case the JAIF manuscript is rejected in the first revision, it will be automatically forwarded to the FUSION Technical Program Committee (TPC) for consideration in the FUSION proceedings of the same year. Then, in case the manuscript is positively evaluated by the FUSION TPC, the regulations for FUSION publication will be applied, with the manuscript being included in the FUSION conference proceedings.



For both the options, accepted manuscripts are published as a JAIF article (more information about the journal is available at https://isif.org/publication/jaif), the manuscript will not be included in FUSION proceedings. To present at FUSION, the accepted paper must be covered by a full author registration fee.