Award/Recognition Menu


ISIF sponsors the ISIF Robert Lynch Award for Distinguished Service to recognize an individual who has provided great service to the society. The award was established in memory of Bob Lynch who contributed regularly and tirelessly over many years to the organization of the annual International Conference on Information Fusion (ICIF), to the founding and production of the Journal for Advances in Information Fusion (JAIF), to the founding of ISIF Perspectives on Information Fusion, and to maintenance of the ISIF web site. It is expected that the individual and their contributions to ISIF shall be known to the information fusion community and especially to the members of ISIF.  


The recipient of the ISIF Robert Lynch Award for Distinguished Service will receive a plaque of value of approximately $250, an honorarium of $3000, and a complimentary FUSION conference registration.


The award will be presented during the awards banquet at the annual ICIF.

Basis for Judging

Candidates will be selected for a lengthy series of contributions to ISIF as evidenced by support to ISIF operations, publications, events, and visibility in the wider technical community. Judgment will be based on the nominator’s write-up, the endorsement letters, and personal knowledge of the experts in the evaluation committee. Voting will be under the leadership of the chair and the outcome will be based on the majority consensus.


Nominees must be a member of ISIF and have 10 years of membership in ISIF. The nominee shall have made a series of major contributions to the ISIF community over many years. A good candidate for the service award would have numerous contributions that might include active and prolonged participation in the annual ICIF, exceptional leadership in the organization of ICIF over many years, service to the ISIF BOD in either elected or appointed positions, publications in JAIF, leadership and contributions to the JAIF editorial board and its production, support of the ISIF website and working groups, and other activities that promote ISIF and the area of information fusion. It is expected that this individual and their contributions shall be well known to the information fusion community at large and to the members of the ISIF.

Nomination Details

Nominations are solicited from the ISIF membership. Periodic notices will be placed in ISIF Perspectives on Information Fusion magazine soliciting deserving individuals. Nominees must have 10 years of membership in ISIF. Anyone qualified to appraise the candidate’s contribution[s] may formally nominate the candidate. A one page letter of intent to nominate is required by the first day of December in the year prior to the award. This letter must include sufficient details and/or other evidence describing the candidate’s service to ISIF so that the ISIF Award committee can issue an endorsement or rejection of the candidate’s eligibility. The endorsement or rejection of a candidate’s eligibility will be issued to the nominator within 15 days of the submission of the letter of intent to nominate. The candidate should not be involved in this part of the nomination process. A full nomination package that includes an exhaustive curriculum vita is required by 31st day of January in the year of the award. Additionally, at least three, and no more than five, additional letters of endorsement should be forwarded to the award committee to indicate credible recognition by others, such as peers, managers, and customers. This information will be reviewed by the ISIF Awards Committee in order to select a recipient.

Nomination information should be sent to the Chairman of the ISIF Awards Committee for consideration..

Application Details

This award may be given annually, if outstanding candidates are nominated, but it is expected to be given once every three years because individuals with the anticipated level of contributions to ISIF will be rare.

  • December 1, Prior Year: Letters stating one’s intention to nominate a candidate to ISIF Awards Committee.
  • December 15, Prior Year:  ISIF Awards Committee issues an endorsement or rejection of the candidate.
  • January 31, Year of Award: All supporting letters and nominations must be received by the ISIF Awards committee. 
  • March 1, Year of Award: Winner and successful nominator notified.
  • July, Year of Award: Presentation of award at International Conference on Information Fusion.