
Statistical Efficiency of Simultaneous Target State and Sensor Bias Estimation

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1 June 2018

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In this paper we provide a new methodology using an exoatmospheric target of opportunity seen in a satellites borne sensor’s field of view to estimate the sensor’s biases simultaneously with the state of the target. Each satellite is equipped with an Infra Red (IR) sensor that provides the Line Of Sight (LOS) measurements azimuth and elevation to the target. The measurements provided by these sensors are assumed to be noisy but perfectly associated, i.e., it is known perfectly that they belong to the same target. The evaluation of the Cramer´-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) on the covariance of the bias estimates, and the statistical tests on the results of simulations show that both the target trajectory and the biases are observable and this method is statistically efficient.