
Fusion Processes and Situation Control

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Publication Date
June 2023
James Llinas

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The ISIF community has a long heritage in research directed to situation assessment. That research traces to the earliest days of the International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF) to include the first few conferences. Well thought out ideas and models of situation analysis/situation assessment/situation projection processes were developed across the international community. Companion efforts grew out of the Cognitive Situation Management (CogSIMA) community in the context of cognitive situation control that are complementary to the ISIF papers. However, continued maturation and integration of those ideas toward designing and developing prototype integrated fusion processes have not been realized. This paper offers some additional ideas that we call an expanded framework for situation control that will require such integrated and managed processes. At its heart, the paper is a call for the ISIF community to move away from functionally isolated research, and to develop a more systemic view of its research that will offer opportunities for more impactful roles in the research community.