Stefano Coraluppi
United States of America

Stefano Coraluppi

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Stefano Coraluppi is a Chief Scientist at Systems & Technology Research (STR), an IEEE Fellow, and an IEEE AESS Distinguished Lecturer. He received the BS in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University (1990), the MS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland (1992), and the PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland (1997). He has held research staff positions at ALPHATECH (now BAE Systems, 1997-2002), the NATO Undersea Research Centre (now NATO CMRE, 2002-2010), Compunetix (2010-2014), and STR (since 2014). His research interests include multi-target tracking, multi-sensor data fusion, distributed detection and estimation, nonlinear filtering, and optimal and stochastic control. He serves on the IEEE AESS Board of Governors (VP Industry Relations) and the ISIF Board of Directors (VP Awards). His past service includes Associate Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Editor-in-Chief for the ISIF Journal of Advances in Information Fusion, General Co-Chair (with Peter Willett) for FUSION 2006 in Florence, Italy, General Co-Chair (with Lauro Snidaro) for FUSION 2024 in Venice, Italy, and NATO STO Lecturer.

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